Macedonian Lexicography Dictionaries and Language Resources

Macedonian Lexicography Dictionaries and Language Resources

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In 1945 the Macedonian language was basically codified and a standardized orthography was followed That effort was spearheaded by a group of linguists and intellectuals who wanted to establish a literary standard that would be accessible to the greatest possible market The codification method included choosing dialectal characteristics that would form the basis of the conventional language with a particular increased exposure of the key dialects spoken across the Vardar Stream This choice aimed to make a language that might be equally consultant of the Macedonian linguistic landscape and specific from their neighboring languages

Among the defining features of the Macedonian language is their complex program of verb conjugation including three tenses previous provide and future three moods indicative imperative and conditional and a rich aspectual process that distinguishes between done and continuous measures Moreover Macedonian verbs are noted for individual and number with split forms for novel dual and sometimes dual matters That complex verb process allows for a high level of nuance and specificity in verbal phrase a quality that's extremely valued in Macedonian literature and daily presentation

Nouns in Macedonian are inflected for sex number and event even though the case process is somewhat basic compared to other Slavic languages Macedonian nouns are classified into three genders masculine female and neuter Each gender has a unique pair of declensional habits Mazedonien Sprache which are accustomed to suggest the grammatical functions of nouns in a phrase While the usage of instances has been largely reduced to a couple prepositional constructions the certain report is an exceptional feature of Macedonian that is suffixed to the noun as opposed to showing as a separate word This function is distributed to Bulgarian and is one of many key traits that recognize those two languages from other Slavic languages

The Macedonian language also boasts a rich language with an amazing quantity of loanwords from numerous languages highlighting the parts complex history Along with these Turkish impacts Macedonian has lent phrases from Greek Serbian Bulgarian and recently from British and other American languages These loanwords tend to be seamlessly incorporated into the language undergoing phonological and morphological adaptations to fit the Macedonian linguistic program

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